
Art is the ability to create a scene, a place, a feeling where there was literally A blank space.

What it means to a have a creative career being an artist in advertising

Advertising designers create a vision for an advertising campaign under the supervision of a creative director and art director. They delegate duties to a graphic design team who helps them create a successful campaign.

Art in Advertising

Skills or traits that you may have that can translate into a creative career in advertising

Career Paths

Graphic Designer

Graphic Designers are responsible for  creating the vision for an advertising campaign under the supervision of the creative director and art director, research target market and trends to determine what customers find interesting, and Sketching layouts for clients.

Average Salary: $50,000-$73,000

Art Director

Art Director are responsible for the visuals, aesthetics, and artistic aspects of the project. The art director is also responsible for outlining a campaign, project, and a brand’s visual identity and is also responsible for keeping up with the latest cultural and social trends.

Average Salary: $53,000- $120,000


The animator is responsible for creating storyboards and animations, and speaks to clients to understand project needs. Animators also collaborate with production team to understand client needs.

Average Salary: $53,000 - $ 96,000


Illustrators consult with clients, art directors, and created directors to establish the creative direction of the desired illustration. They also prepare rough drafts for the purpose of visualizing the final image

Average Salary: $70,000- $94,000


Photographer and Videographers are responsible for creating promotional visuals used in marketing campaigns. They are also responsible for setting up shoots along with traveling for shoot locations.

Average Salary: $63,000- $96,000

ARTis the greatest treasure to find in the Ad-world.

On the day to day

Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros.

Types of projects you may work on

  • Outdoor Advertisment Design
  • Brand +Logo Design/Animation
  • TV + Web Ads
  • Package Design

Inside Knowledge

Keep it fresh

As an artist in advertising your portfolio is your golden ticket to advancing in your field. That means you will have to keep an updated book of work that reflects your current skill level. A good rule of thumb is to have 1-3 pieces of your best work updated in your portfolio every year.

Constantly Updating

Almost all of the creative programs that you’ll use for creating your work will have yearly (sometimes monthly) updates. These updates usually come with many features that may help your workflow. These updates also release new features that inform the current trends of design (or illustration, animation, etc.) of the time. It's a good idea to stay informed of what new developments are happening in your field.

“Poster_DesignFinal-final_V8” (Iterate, iterate, iterate!)

You may have made an awesome graphic but can you make 7 versions of that? It's almost guaranteed that you will have to make many different changes to any given concept that you create. Things move very quickly in advertising and you will have to be able to adjust on the fly. Don't hold on too tight on one idea. Get used to exploring, iterating, and constantly revising.  

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